Tang Lab for  Bioinformatics and Biotechnology


Graduate mentoring philosophy: Teach students in accordance with their aptitude.





Bio: Shrameeta Shinde is originally from India, where she completed her undergraduate studies. She then pursued a master's in molecular biology in the USA, followed by a PhD in Microbiology at Miami University. After graduation, she worked as a Research Scientist at Cemvita, developing nature-inspired solutions for sustainability. Currently, she is working under the guidance of Dr. Tang and Dr. Pakrasi. Outside of her research career, she is an avid traveler, passionate about exploring nature, discovering diverse cuisines, and capturing moments through photography. In addition to her scientific endeavors, she is a self-taught mandala and contemporary artist, and she seeks to cultivate spirituality in her life.



Graduate Students (PhDs)

Bio: Shawn Xiao did his undergraduate degree in Chem Eng at Washington University. He is currently the third year PhD student in EECE at WashU. He works on metabolic analysis of engineered microbial hosts, pathway discovery, and integrative machine learning and genome scale modeling for computational strain design.

Bio: Runyu Zhao did her UG in Chem Eng at University of California (Berkeley). She is interested in solving environmental challenges using biochemical technology and engineering tools. Her PhD thesis focuses on microbial community for biomanufacturing and plastic upcycling. Before returning to graduate school, Runyu had worked in a biotech company for genome analysis. Other than research, she loves books, music and cats.

Bio: Hakyung Lee (Nationality: Republic of Korea) did her BSc in Kyung Hee University and MSc in Seoul National University (both in environmental engineering). Her PhD research interests are: molecular-level analysis of toxin from HAB (Harmful Algal Bloom) and its prediction model development from bench to full scale; algal process engineering and optimization; and waste utilizations for bio-productions. Her interests outside of research are: watching basketball and ice-skating games, traveling.



Bio: Yufei Sun joined the Tang lab in 2022. He did his BS at Purdue University, and MS at Johns Hopkins University. His PhD research interests are metabolic analysis of microbes and also computational modeling. On weekends, he goes hiking, and skiing during winter.





Bio: Eunseo Lee (Nationality: Republic of Korea) did her BSc in Yonsei University(Bio-convergence major). She joined the Tang Lab in 2023. Her PhD research interest as of now is alternative feedstock study for bio-productions. Her favorite activities are road trips, snowboarding and plating violin.



Bio: Wenyu Li did her Undergrad at University of Pittsburgh (CS & Math majors), and got her MS in CS from WashU. She is currently a first-year CS PhD student co-advised with Professor Yixin Chen. Her current research focus is developing novel ML and NLP tools for various bioinformatics tasks including AI-assisted biomanufacturing development and multiomics analysis. Outside of research, she loves travelling, music and dogs.



Bio: Matt Lima did his undergrad in biomedical engineering at Boston University, then spent some time working in immunology and synthetic biology research labs. He is currently a PhD student co-advised with Dr Pakrasi. His current research is focused on engineering the bacterium Vibrio natriegens, a chassis organism that shows encouraging ability for synthetic biology. Outside the lab, Matt likes to go running, read good (and some bad) books, eat lots of baked goods, and pet every dog possible.



Bio: Vincent Xu did Chemical Engineering at Washington University. He will become an EECE PhD student in the fall of 2024. His studies focus on bioprocess modeling and AI. He has a particular interest in applying integrative synthetic biology methods to develop sustainable energy options. In his free time, he likes to play basketball, go on hikes, and play viola.



Bio: Charandatta Muddana completed his undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology (Warangal, India). His research interests lie in integrating multi-omics data with process modeling and AI to gain an in-depth understanding of bioprocesses. During his leisure time, he enjoys playing sports such as tennis and cricket, as well as reading comic books.


Bio: Bingdi Liu did her UG in Plant Pathology at Shenyang Agricultural University and MS in EECE at WUSTL. Before starting her PhD study, she worked as RA for microbial community analysis. Her current research interests are metabolic analysis and genome-scale modeling. On holiday, she loves to go skiing and snorkeling.


Bio: Ally Wilcox comes from a small township in the middle of Illinois. She graduated with a BS in microbiology from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Her ultimate career goal is to utilize microorganisms for bioremediation and the development of sustainable manufacturing. In her spare time, she enjoys practicing American Sign Language, story writing, arts and crafts, and exploring nature. 


Recent Graduates

Bio: Dr. Garrett Roell graduated from the Tang Lab in 2023. He is currently an assistant professor at University of Hawaii. He is collaborating with the Tang Lab.

Bio: Dr. Alyssa Worland graduated in 2024. She is currently working for Rand Corporation (a US thinking tank).  She is finishing several of her PhD papers. 


Current UGs and Visiting Students 

Bio: My name is Jared Campbell, and I am from Saint Louis, MO. I am a senior undergraduate student majoring in biology. I am next aiming to get a degree in physical therapy. However, the internships that I have been involved in over my undergraduate years have piqued my interest in Ph.D. doctoral research studies as well.


Bio:  Millie Savage is a biology UG student from Lincoln University. Her studies focus on microbial fermetnations and biomass characterization.


Bio: Cynthia Ding from Duke University has scientific interests in biochemistry, neuroscience, medicine and environment engineering. She loves to use music as a means of bringing wellness to those in need. 


High School Student

 Bio: Roland Ding is currently a rising sophomore studying at Crescent School in Toronto Canada. He has an interest in computer science and mechanical engineering and is working with Professor Tang on a research program regarding artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering. Roland also loves to play violin and incorporates music with his STEM skills to positively impact his community.




Name Period and recent position Name Period and recent position
Xueyang  Feng (G) 2008~2012. Scientist in Williow Bioscience Bing Wu (P) 2008~2010. Associate Prof at University of Iceland
Bert Berla (G) 2010~2014. Scientist in Elemental Enzymes Sarah Torkamani (P) 2008~2009. Engineer in ExxonMobil
Arul Varman (G) 2010-2014.  Assistant Professor at ASU Yi Xiao (P) 2010~2012. Professor at SJTU, China
Le You (G) 2010~2015. Scientist at Ambrx, CA Gang Wu (G) 2011~2016. Principal Scientist at Express Scripts
Zhipeng Wang (MS student) 2008~2009. Scientist at Google, CA Lian He (G) 2010-2016. Postdoc at Univ of Washington
Whitney Hollinshead (G) 2012-2017. Scientist in EPA, Wash DC Ni Wan (G) 2014~2017. Scientist at Bayer
Mary Abernathy (G) 2014~2018.  Specialist at ZS Associates, CA Tola Oyetunde (G) 2015~2018. Senior Scientist at Takeda
Duo Zhang (MS student) 2019~2021. Specialist in US Army, CA Jeff Czajka (G) 2016~2021. Pauling fellow, Scientist at PNNL
Garrett Roell (G) 2017~2023. Assistant professor at University of Hawaii Alyssa Worland (G) 2018~2024. Fellow, Rand Corp.
Jacob Rubens (U) 2009 Yisheng Connie Kang (V) 2009
Rick Huang (T) 9.2008~5.2009 Zheng Zhuo (R) 2009
Angela Horst (U) 2009 Jiang Jing (R) 2009
Yin Wang (R) 2009 Amanda Hay (U) 2010
Kristen Jones (U ) 2010 Craig Jacobson (U) 2010
Yogesh Goyal (U) 2010 Zhixi Tang (H) 2010
Jeff Knudsen (R) 2010 Jennifer Head (U) 2010
Peter Colletti (U) 2010 Ryan Lago (U) 2011
Stephanie Deng (H) 2011 Huifeng Yu (U) 2011
Prof. Kirk Dolan (V, from MSU) 6. 2010~6.2011 Prof. Inchul Kong (V, from Korea U) 2011
Kevin Chen (R) 2011 Cheryl Immethun (R) 2012
Amerlia Chen (U) 2012 Brian Zhang (H) 2012
Amelia Nguyen (R) 2012 Charlie Kang (MI) 2012
Madelyn Ball (U)  2012 Charlie Macintosh (R) 2012

Hsi-Wei Yeh(R)

2013 Lifeng Peng (V, From VUW, nz) 8.2012~1.2013
Dianyi Liu (R) 2013 Yi Yu (V, from Wuhan Univ) 8.2012~7.2013
Chih Ming Ma (V, Taiwan) 2013 Maddy To (H) 2013, 2014
Lillian Cai (H) 2013 Kylie Cottone (H) 2014
Zachary Hembree (U) 2014 Gaurav Mahamuni (U from IIT)  2014
Katrina Leyden (U) 2014 Yunci Qi (R) 2014
Xiaotong Duan (U) 2014 Haifeng Hang 2014~2015
Shangqing Li (U) 2014 Kevin Zhao (U) 2014
Adrienne Reding (U) 2015/2016 Po-Cheng Lin (R) 2015
Aditya Sarnaik (V) 2016 Kam'Ron Battle (H) 2017-2019
Jiung-Wen Chen (MS) 2017 Xuguang Wei (MS) 2018
Bingdi Liu (MS) 2018 Jacob Nathenson (U) 2018
Chun-Yu Chiu (ME) 2019 Xirui Yang (ME) 2019
Kilgore Collin (U) 2019 Amy Chen (H) 2020

Dahlia Abdulsattar (U)

2019~2020 Ben Hong (H) 2021
Taylor Oinkerton (U) 2021 Yishan Lyu (M) 2021~2022
Chinmayi Gudi (U) 2021 Aryiana Moore (U) 2019
Moyin Eniola (U) 2021 Yishan Lyu (M) 2022
Hannah (H) 2022~2023 Haodong Ding (M) 2023~2024
William Kanu (U) 2023    
WashU iGEM team (U) 2009 (gold medal) WashU iGEM team 2010 (silver medal)


G: PhD student; MS: MS student;  T: technician; H: summer high school student; R: rotation students  

P: postdoc;  V: visiting scholar; U: summer undergraduate researcher

Note: Several REU students went to graduate schools at top universities

Jacob Rubens (MIT); Yogesh Goyal (Princeton); Madelyn Ball (University of Wisconsin, Madison); Huifeng Yu (Cambridge, UK): Xiaotong Duan (Stanford)