Recent Papers (You can find a complete publication list from Google Scholar)
The Tang lab has worked with different research groups and companies to explore microbial metabolisms (over 20 species).
Worland AM, Han Z, Maruwan
J, Wang Y, Du ZY, Tang YJ, Su WW, Roell G. Elucidation of triacylglycerol
catabolism in Yarrowia lipolytica: how cells balance acetyl-CoA and excess
reducing equivalents. Metabolic
Engineering. 2024. 77, 231-241
Long B, Zhang F, Dai S,
Tang YJ, Yuan JS. Bioengineering to Empower Next Generation Lignocellulosic
Biorefinery. Nature Reviews Bioengineering.
Xiao Z, et al. Generative artificial intelligence GPT-4 accelerates knowledge mining and machine learning for synthetic biology. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2023.
Backman TWH, Schenk C, Radivojevic T, Ando D, Singh J, Czajka JJ, Costello Z, Keasling JD, Tang Y, Akhmatskaya E, Martin HG, BayFlux: A Bayesian method to quantify Fluxes at the Genome Scale. Plos Computational Biology. 2023.
Han Z, Maruwan J, Tang YJ, Su WW. Conditional protein degradation in Yarrowia lipolytica using the auxin-inducible degron. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2023. 11:1188119.
Roell GW, Schenk C, Anthony WE, Carr RR, Ponukumati A, Kim J, Akhmatskaya E, Foston M, Dantas G, Moon TS, Tang YJ, Martin HG.A High-Quality Genome-Scale Model for Rhodococcus opacus Metabolism. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2023. 12, 6, 1632–1644
Zheng Y, Czajka JC, Daiek C, Yang Z, Sun L, Tang Y, Liu Y, Liao W. An algal-bacterial symbiotic system of carbon fixation using formate as a carbon source. Algal Research. 2023. 103103
Xiao Z., Connor A.J., Worland A.M., Tang Y.J., Zha R.H., and Koffas M. Silk fibroin production in Escherichia coli is limited by a positive feedback loop between metabolic burden and toxicity stress. Metabolic Engineering. 2023.
Tang YJ and Moon TS. Mining microbial metabolism. Nature Chemical Biology. 2023.
Liu F, Worland A, Tang Y, Moustafa H, Hassouna MSE, He Z. Microbial electrochemical ammonia recovery from anaerobic digester centrate and subsequent application to fertilize Arabidopsis thaliana. Water Research. 2022. 220:118667.
Zha J, Zhao Z, Xiao Z, Eng T, Mukhopadhyay A, Koffas MAG, Biosystem design of Corynebacterium glutamicum for bioproduction. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2022. vol 79, 102870.
Zhao R, Sengupta A, Tan A, Whelan R, Pinkerton T, Menasalvas J, Eng T, Mukhopadhyay A, Jun YS, Pakrasi HB, Tang YJ. Photobiological production of high-value pigments via compartmentalized co-cultures using Ca-alginate hydrogels. Scientific Report. 2022 Article number: 22163
Huffine C, Zhao R, Tang YJ, Cameron JC. Role of carboxysomes in cyanobacterial CO2 assimilation: CO2 concentrating mechanisms and metabolon implications. Environmental Microbiology. 2022
Czajka JJ, Banerjee D, Eng T, Menasalvas J, Yane C, Munoz NM, Poirier BC, Kim YM, Baker SE, Tang YJ, & Mukhopadhyay A. Tuning a High Performing Multiplexed-CRISPRi Pseudomonas putida Strain to Further Enhance Indigoidine Production. Metabolic Engineering Communications. 2022. e00206
Roell G, Sathish A, Wan N, Wen Z, Tang YJ, Bao F. A comparative evaluation of machine learning algorithms for predicting syngas fermentation outcomes. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2022. Volume 186, August 2022, 108578.
Fang Z, Tang YJ, Koffas MAG. Harnessing electrical-to-biochemical conversion for microbial synthesis. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2022, 75, 102687
Liao X, Ma H, Tang YJ. Artificial intelligence: a
solution to involution of design-build-test-learn cycle.
Opinion in Biotechnology 2022, 75, 102712
Li T, Pang N, He L, Xu Y, Fu X, Tang YJ, Shachar-Hill Y, Chen S. Re-programing glucose catabolism in Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana under light condition. Biomolecules 2022. 12(7), 939.
Xiao Z, Tan AX, Xu V, Jun YS and Tang YJ. Mineral-Hydrogel Composites for Mitigating Harmful Algal Bloom and Supplying Phosphorous for Photo-biorefineries. Science of The Total Environment. 2022. V847, 157533.
Xiao Z, Zheng Y, Gudi C, Liu Y, Liao W, Tang YJ. Development of a kinetic model to describe siz types of symbiotic interactions in a formate utilizing microalgae-bacteria cultivation system. Algal Research. 2021. 58, 102372.
Czajka JJ, Oyetunde T, Tang YJ. Integrated Knowledge mining, genome-scale modeling, and machine learning for predicting Yarrowia lipolytica bioproduction. Metabolic Engineering. 2021. 67, 227-236
Worland A, Czajka JJ, Xing Y, Harper W, Moore A, Xiao Z, Wang Y, Han Z, Su WW, Tang YJ, Metabolic analysis, terpenoid biosynthesis, and morphology of Yarrowia lipolytica during utilization of lipid-derived feedstock. Metabolic Engineering Communications. 2020. e00130
Li N, O'Donnell TJ, Han Z, Kurasaki R, Kajihara L, Williams PG, Tang YJ, Su WW. Production and excretion of astaxanthin by engineered Yarrowia lipolytica using plant oil as both the carbon source and the biocompatible extractant. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2020. In press.
Czajka JJ,
Kambhampati S, Tang YJ, Wang Y, Allen DK. Application of stable isotope
tracing to elucidate metabolic dynamics during Yarrowia lipolytica α-ionone
iScience. 2020. 100854
Worland A, Czajka
JJ, Wang Y, Li Y. Tang YJ, Su WW. Biosynthesis of terpene compounds using
non-model yeast Yarrowia lipolytica: grand challenges and a few
Current Opinion in Biotechnology.
2020. 64:134-140.
Sarnaik A, Abernathy MH, Han X, Ouyang Y, Xia K, Chen Y, Cress B, Zhang F, Lalia A, Pandita R, Linhardt RJ, Tang YJ, Koffas M. Metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria for photoautotrophic production of heparosan, a pharmaceutical precursor of heparin. Algal Research. 2019. 37, 57-63.
Worland A, Czajka JJ, Wang Y, Tang YJ, Su WW. Biosynthesis of terpene compounds using non-model yeasts: grand challenges and a few perspectives. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2020. Invited reveiw.
Roell G, Carr R,
Campbell T, Shang Z, Henson W, Czajka J, Martin HG, Zhang F, Foston M,
Dantas G, Moon TS, Tang YJ. A concerted systems biology analysis of aromatic
metabolism in
Rhodococcus opacus
Metabolic Engineering. 2019. 55:120-130.
Roell GW, Zha J, Carr R.R., Koffas M.A., Fong S.S., Tang YJ. Engineering Microbial Consortia by Division of Labor. Microbial Cell Factories. 2019. 18(1): 35.
Hollinshead W, He L, and Tang YJ. 13C-Fingerprinting and Metabolic Flux Analysis of Bacterial Metabolisms. Microbial Metabolic Engineering. 2019. 215-230
Oyetunde T, Liu D, Martin HG, Tang YJ. Machine learning framework for robust
assessment of microbial factory performance.
2019. 14(1):e0210558.
Abernathy MH, Czajka JJ, Allen DK, Hill NC, Cameron JC, Tang YJ. Cyanobacterial carboxysome mutant analysis reveals the influence of enzyme compartmentalization on cellular metabolism and metabolic network rigidity. Metabolic Engineering. 2019. 54, 222-231.
Hendry J, Gopalakrishnan S, Ungerer J, Pakrasi H, Tang YJ, and Maranas C.
Genome-scale fluxome of
elongatus UTEX 2973 using transient 13C-labeling data.
Plant Physiology. 2019.
pp. 01357.2018.
Czajka J, Abernathy MH, Benites VT, Baidoo EE, Deming J, Tang YJ. A model
metabolic strategy for heterotrophic bacteria in the cold ocean based on
Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H.
PNAS. 2018.
115 (49), 12507-12512
Wan N, Wang H, Ng CK, Mukherjee M, Cao B, Ren D, Tang YJ. Bacterial metabolism
during biofilm growth investigated by 13C tracing.
Frontier in Microbiology.
2018. Volume 9. Article 2657.
Abernathy MH, Zhang Y, Hollinshead W, Wang G,
EEK, Liu T, Tang YJ. Comparative studies of glycolytic pathways and channeling
under in vitro and in vivo modes.
AICHE Journal. 2019. 483-490.
Abernathy M, Wan N, Shui W, Tang YJ. Dynamic
13C labeling of fast
turnover metabolites for analysis of metabolic fluxes and metabolite channeling.
Methods Molecular Biology. 2019. SpringerNature. Edward E.K. Baidoo (Eds):
Microbial Metabolomics. Chapter 18. Vol. 1859.
Czajka JJ, Nathenson JA, Benites VT, Baidoo EEK, Cheng Q, Wang Y and Tang YJ.
Engineering the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to produce the aroma
compound β-ionone.
Microb Cell Fact. 2018. 17(1):136
Oyetunde T, Bao FS, Chen JW, Martin HG, Tang YJ. Leveraging knowledge
engineering and machine learning for microbial bio-manufacturing.
Biotechnology Advances.
2018. 36(4), 1308-1315