News 2024
July 13: Science Festival for kids (Hakyung is showing algal cultures)
June 2: Guest lecture at Lincoln Univeristy
May: Alyssa graduation
News 2023
November 17: Hakyung Lee did a presentation in the DoD meeting
Oct: Congratulations to Duo Zhang from US Army for EECE alumnus award. Duo did master research with the Tang Lab.
September: CURB Meeting with Lincoln University students, Professor Lee and Dr. Rockcliffe
Aug: Our paper on GPT-4 application for knowledge mining is published on ACS SynBio.
Aug 23~25: Project Meeting in Cape Canaveral
July 20~25. Shawn and Yufei attended Mizzou metabolomics short course to learn LC-MS/GC-MS
Summer Lab trip
May 15: Dahlia received her Master Degree from EECE. Congratulations!
January 15: Garrett defended his PhD. Congratulations!
January 6: We published a mini opinion article "Mining microbial metabolism", commenting the Aristilde lab's paper on Nature Chemical Biology 19, 651, 2023.
News 2022
Dec 18: Welcome Yufei Sun. He is now Tang Lab new PhD student.
November 13: The Tang Lab is in AICHE.
September 28 Jeff is on news again!
September 13 Dr. Tang met with Dean Sunder Balasubramanian at Lincoln University. Dr. Tang is working with LU professors and students on DOE and NSF projects.
June Welcome Hakyung! She joins the algal project for her PhD study (With Dr Jun). Welcome Yishan and Vincent! They will work with Hakyung and Dr. Jun's group for algal cultivations.
March 28 Alyssa recieves an internship offer from Joint Bioenergy Center. She will work on large scale yeast fermentation in Bay Area, CA.
March 15 Welcome EECE UG Vincent Xu. He will work on UG research on algal biorefinery.
March 2 Jeff won the Pauling Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulation!
News 2021
Dec. Shawn joined the Tang Lab. Welcome!
Nov. Jeff is going to work for PNNL after graduation. Congratulations!
Nov. Garrett has awarded for DOE graduate fellowship. He will go to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab for internship. Congratulations!
Sept. Runyu Zhao joined the Tang Lab. Welcome!
Aug. Jeff and Tola published a machine learning paper on Metabolic Engineering Jounral. Shawn published a kinetic modeling paper on Algae Research. Congratulations!
Jan. Tang lab is hosting rotation students (Yue Wang, Runyu Zhao, Kaseba Chibwe, Alden Filko). Welcome!
News 2020
June 22: The Lab is reopen. We will be very careful during our experiments.
May 1: The Bioprocess Enigneering class is over. Thanks a lot for all students' support and hard work.
Jan 10: Tang gave a seminar at UC Riverside.
Jan: Duo is deployed in Irap/Iran border. He is in the war zone now.
News 2019
Dec 19: Jeff's paper on Yarrowia metabolic shifts has been accpeted by iScience. Good job!
Nov. 12: Tang gave a presentation at AICHE conference.
June ~Aug: Yinjie relocated to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (supported by Air Force Faculty Fellowship) in Dayton. He works with researchers at AFIT to study the treatment of toxic chemicals and pathogens.
May 29: Duo has to temporarily stop his graduate study this summer. He has received a US Army order and will go to Middle East again next month. We wish him a safe return to home and continue his graduate studies in the Tang Lab.
May 28: Welcome new REU students Dahlia Abdulsattar (from Missouri University) and Aryiana Moore (from John Hopkins University) for their summer research.
May 1: Dr. Tang received an Air force fellowship and will work at AFIT in Dayton during summer 2019.
March 29: Jeff won an EECE graduate research award (500$).
Feb 1: The Tang Lab and Arch Innotek were featured in WashU news: Engineering a third option
Jan 15: Mr Duo Zhang joined the Tang Lab . His graduate thesis will focus on bioprocess engineering. Duo enlisted in the US
Army since 2009. He deployed twice to Iraq.
News 2018
Dec 7. Tola has finished his PhD work and he will work on AI applications in Minnesota (with a Monsanto Postdoc Fellowship) early next year. We wish him successes in his future career.
Dec 5. Alyssa joins the Tang Lab as the new graduate student. Welcome!
November 10. Jeff (the mentor of WashU iGEM) and the iGEM team finished the final presentation in Boston.
November 2. Jeff is on the NSF INTERN program news
November 1. Duo Zhang joins the Tang Lab. Duo is enlisted in the US Army as CBRN specialist. He has won many medals for his outstanding military services. Welcome Duo!
October 25. Mary finished her PhD degree and will work for ZS in San Francisco since this November 1st. Congratulation Mary!
October 19. Jeff's work with Professor Jody Deming will be published by PNAS. Good Job!
September 15. Mary accepted the offer from ZS Associates (a consulting firm in the fields of biotechnology and health care). She will move to California this fall. Haihan will also return China to continue his career in wastewater bioremediations. We wish them a great future career.
August 13. Jeff attended SIMB annual meeting in Chicago.
August 1. Jeff and Justin has published one Yarrowia enigneering paper on Microbial Cell Factories. Justin has been an undergraduate researcher since this Spring.
May 15: Welcome Garrett! He has passed Q-exam and will be a new PhD candidate in the Tang Lab.
March 6-7, Dr. Tang was invited to attend ASDR&E Future Directions Workshop on Synthetic Biology for Energy Storage and Power Delivery in Virginia Tech Research Center, Arlington, VA
Febuary 6. Dr. Tang gave a departmental seminar at Missouri Science and Technology
January 11. Dr. Tang gave a departmental seminar at Notre Dame.
January 1: Tola takes a data scientist position in Monsanto since January. He will be back late this year for his PhD defense.
News 2017
December 20. Ni defended her PhD thesis and will work for Monsanto as a data scientist in January. Ni joined the Tang Lab in the summer of 2014 with her major in mechanical engineering. Congratulation!
November 10. Mary's paper finally got accepted after one year cycle of submission-rejection-resubmission. Congratulation, Mary!
Oct 1. The Tang Lab will work on lignin degradation research (a new project funded by DOE)
June 15. The Tang Lab is helping Arch Innotek develop innovative technology to produce high-value natural ingredients.
May 18. Whitney attended the graduation party. Whitney is going to work for EPA at Washinton DC.
May 16. Professor Ming Tang visited EECE.
May 15. Adnan Fatehi from (MIT: Manipal Institute of Technology) will join the Tang Lab for summer research (funded by WashU MAGEEP program).
May 4. Tola is honored by The Teaching Center’s Annual Recognition Reception for graduate students and postdocs. Congratulation!
April 17. Mary won a departmental teaching award. Congratulation!
April 17. Gang won a departmental research award. Congratulation!
March 28. Arul will join ASU as an assistant professor. Congratulation!
March 14. Dr. Tang took 14 students from his Bioprocess Engineering class to have a site visit in Pfizer. We are thankful for Dr. Adekunle Onadipe to arrange this trip.
March 7. Mary and Yinjie did a Biofuel workshop for students in Hazelwood East High School (over 90 students are attended) during CAREER Day.
March 1. Two PhD students (张宇琛 ; 陶慧 ) from WuHan University come to Tang lab for studying 13C-MFA. Welcome!
February 25. Lian He received a postdoc offer from Mary Lidstrom Lab at University of Washington, Seattle. Congratulation!
February 24. Tang Lab received an EAGER NSF grant to study biofilm.
February 15: Our former postdoc Yi Xiao received a Young Thousand Talents award. He is now a professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Congratulation!
February 1. Whitney finished her PhD work and returned to her hometown Washington DC.
January 9: Lian He presented in SBE Meeting in San Diego.
January 8: Aditya finished his visiting research in the Tang Lab and he will bring flux analysis methods to India.
News 2016
November 29. Congratulation to Whitney. She successfully defended her PhD thesis on metabolite channeling.
October 10. Congratulations to Mary and Tola. They passed the proposal defense.
September 20. Welcome Aditya Sarnaik from Indian Biotechnology Institute. He will do his visiting studies in the Tang Lab.
August 16. Arul and Lian at Joint BioEnergy Institute published a paper about a lignin degradation bacterium's metabolism on PNAS. Congratulation!
August 15. New graduate students Jeffery (from U Michigan) and Chris (from RPI) join the Tang Lab for rotation research.
August 8. Aditya SARNAIK will join the Tang Lab as a student Intern. He will help graduate students work on synthetic biology projects.
August 1. Gang Wu's paper (as the main corresponding author) was accepted by B&B. The work was initiated and led by Gang.
July 27. Welcome Professor Ching-Nen Nathan Chen from National Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Marine Biology. He will visit us and learn 13C-metabolism analysis.
June 15. The Tang Lab helps with Arch Innotek for optimizing bioreactor fermentations. Students will gain industrial experience from collaborations.
June 10. Adrienne Reding from Wooster College joins the Tang Lab for summer research. Welcome!
June 1. Kam'Ron Battle from Hazelwood East High School joins the Tang Lab for summer research. Welcome!
May 4. Dr. Tang gave a seminar at NREL in Denver.
April 10. Dr. Tang was invited to give a seminar at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
March 4. Dr. Tang was invited to give a seminar at RPI, New York. Lian started a collaborative project at RPI.
January 25. Congratulation! Lian successfully defended his PhD.
January 15. Congratulation! Gang has a job offer from Sigma-Aldrich. He will be a scientist in the world leading company.
January 1. PI Tang is spending his sabbatical at Joint Bio-Energy Institute in California.
News 2015
1/1: Tang serves as an interim graduate chair for EECE in 2015.
1/21: Le You successfully defended her PhD thesis. She will start her Postdoc Job at the University of California in San Diego. Congratulation!
2/22: Whitney and Mary attended the DOE meeting in Washington DC.
2/24: Whitney Hollinshead published her fifth journal paper since joining the Tang Lab (2013).
3/2: Whitney Hollinshead started her research at JBEI, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. She is doing her PhD research at Berkeley under a DOE graduate fellowship (15000$).
3/5: Mary Abernathy received a BASF offer for summer internship. She will work on metabolic engineering in New York.
3/19: Whitney won a departmental research award for EECE graduate students.
4/10: Gang Wu received an offer for summer internship in Sigma-Aldrich. He will work on bioinformatics this summer.
5/22: Renewable Energy Global Innovations highlight Whitney's paper with Michigan State University. We developed an fungal process for biofuel production using biomass hydrolysates.
7/12~7/17: Tang gave talks in Tsinghua and SJTU.
7/20: Lian He has received an internship in Sandia National Lab. He will work on biofuel projects in Bay Area in the fall semester.
August 1: Mary and Tola start their PhD research in Tang Lab.
August 25: Undergraduate Adrienne Reding from Wooster College finished her summer research in the Tang Lab. She co-authored one research paper with the Tang Lab on studying new generation biofuel. Adrienne will start her new life in Germany.
Sept 1: The Tang Lab received sub-contract to help analyze lignin biodegradation pathway in novel bacterial species.
Sept. 30. The Tang Lab receives a 20,000$ grant for studying new biofuel producing bacteria from a California Biofuel company.
Oct/10. Dr. Tang is invited to give a seminar at University of Washington in Seattle.
Oct 23: Whitney and Mary are invited to give a talk in 41th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference in Indiana. Mary won the best presentation award!
November 2; Gang defended his PhD thesis. Congratulation, Dr. Wu!
November 8: Whitney presents in AICHE general conference.
November 10: Ni defends her PhD proposal. Congratulation!
Dec 1: Ian found a job in Anheuser-Busch.
Dec 9: Tang is invited by BASF for a seminar.
Dec 12~: Tang will spend his sabbatical at Berkeley National Lab. He will not be in St Louis until next July.
News (2014)
1/1: Professor Haifeng Hang will work in the Tang Lab for one year as a visiting professor. Katrina Leyden will work in the Tang Lab as an undergraduate researcher.
1/15: We are struggling for proposals and papers. We prepare for new challenges during the 2014 Hunger Games .
2/10: Steve Gang Wu survived in his PhD proposal defense.
3/10: The Tang Lab's first PhD student (Dr. Xueyang Feng) will be an assistant professor at Virginia Tech. Congratulation!
3/11: A paper on discovery of novel CO pathway is accepted by PNAS.
3/15: Cheryl Immethun (Tang's TA for ChE462) received a departmental Teaching Assistant Award for 2013 teaching. Bert Berla (jointed student between Pakrasi and tang Labs) received a departmental research award for 2013 publications.
3/18: Jason Chen from John Burroughs High School has made a documentary film (Part of filming was in the Tang Lab), "Biofuels: Fuels of the Future", is nominated for Best Editing and Best Poster by the THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) Qatar Northwestern Film Festival. This summer, Jason will travel to Doha, Qatar, on an all-expense-paid trip, to attend this festival. (Ladue News:
4/1: Whitney Hollinshead got an honorable mention for NSF fellowship.
5/7: Welcome to REU student Gaurav Mahamuni from IIT Gandhinagar. Gaurav will join the Tang Lab for summer research.
6/16: Dr. Tang and Dr. Dolan will give a jointed talk on "Improvement of Bioengineering Courses through Systems Biology and Bioprocess Modeling " at the annual conference of American Society for Engineering Education.
6/25: Tang Lab have a group trip to Iowa State University to visit their bioenergy center and fermentation facilities.
7/10: High school students Kylie Cottone and Maddy To are joining Tang Lab for summer research experience.
7/20: Undergraduates Shangqing Li and Kevin Zhao joined the Tang Lab for summer research.
7/28: Gaurav Mahamuni finished his summer study at the Tang Lab.
8/8: Kylie Cottone and Maddy To finished the "Research Experience for High School Student".
9/8: Whitney passed her proposal defense! Congratulation!
10/14: Dr. Tang is invited for giving a seminar at Virginia Tech.
11/10. Dr. Tang is invited to give a talk in New Delhi by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, India.
10/25: Le/Whitney/Lian are invited to give a talk in 40th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference in Indiana. Le You won the best presentation award! Congratulation!
11/20: Le/Whitney/Lian gave talks on AICHE general conference; Gang presented AICHE poster.
12/8: Whitney Hollinshead won the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award (15000$, 2014). She will go to JBEI at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab for four month internship research (March 2015~July 2015).
12/16 Arul and Whitney's article is featured online on Renewable Energy Global Innovations {ISSN 2291-2460} ( ).
12/16 Bert Berla (co-advise with Dr. Pakrasi group) defended his thesis. He has published four papers with Tang Lab. He plans to do a postdoc position at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
12/19 Mary Abernathy and Tolutola Oyetunde join the Tang Lab for their PhD studies.
News (2013)
1/1: Yi Xiao joins Fuzhong Zhang Lab. He will continue work on fatty acid production.
2/15: The former student Dr. Xueyang Feng published his 20th paper during the past four years.
4/5: Tang gives a talk in Chemical Engineering Department at University of Washington.
4/15: Tang is given a Department Chair’s Award for Outstanding Teaching.
4/20: Lian He is given a department research award.
5/20: Welcome to Whitney Hollinshead. She will do her graduate study on metabolic modeling.
6/17: Lian He attend the Metabolic Engineering Conference in Beijing.
7/7: Welcome to Lillian Cai and Maddy To. Both are high school students who will attend the "Research for one Week" at Tang Lab.
8/14: Professor Yu finished his visit in Tang Lab and returned to China. In the same day, his first author paper at WUSTL is published by Marine Drugs. Good luck to Dr. Yu.
10/21: Arul defended his PhD thesis. He will go to JBEI for a job interview.
10/26: A joined paper with professors Peng, Zhang and Antoniewicz is appeared on B&B. This paper is a collaborative work from three 13C-MFA labs.
10/30: Steve Gang Wu received an NSF fellowship "National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis". He is invited to work at the institute in Knoxville (Tennessee) for two months.
11/11: Arul Varman was invited for a talk in Sandia National Lab.
12/13~14: Tang gave talks to Biotechnology Companies (Manus Biosynthesis and Ginkgo).
Dec 16: Dr. Arul Varman will leave WUSTL and work for Sandia Lab of Lockheed Martin Corporation since next Month. Thanks for all his hard work in the Tang Lab.
News (2012)
1/17: Xueyang defends his PhD thesis.
1/23: Xueyang joins UIUC Energy Biosciences Institute as a postdoctoral fellow.
3/29: Xueyang won a UIUC postdoctoral fellowship due to his excellent PhD work.
5/1: Jennifer Head (undergraduate researcher in Tang Lab) won Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.
5/22~6/15: Tang mentored NSF REU students in Brazil.
7/1: Terra Biologics offered an industrial grant to Tang Lab for scaling up cyanobacterial Microcoleus vaginatus cultivation (bio-fertilizer production).
8/1: Welcome Visiting Professors Lifeng Peng from New Zealand and Yu Yi from China. They will help Tang Lab for 13C-MFA and biofuel projects.
8/15: Tang Lab developed a fluxomics software "MicrobesFlux", which has been highlighted by BMC systems biology.
9/10: Le You's protocol paper on 13C-method has been one of mostly viewed vedioes in The Journal of Visualized Experiments.
9/19: Gang Wu won a Graduate Students Award in First Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference.
10/10: Arul Varman won a Travel grant for 4th MAGEEP conference in India.
10/27: Tang is invited to visit South Africa, where he/his colleagues are seeking new methods to improve fecal waste management in Africa countries.
News (2011)
Arul and Xueyang won the departmental research awards.